my book magic

my book magic

Monday, November 2, 2015

Planets are the teachers.
The houses classrooms.
House cusps, doorways to learning experience.
Ruling planet of house, the academic advisor.
The planet's sign, the subject of the lesson.
Intercepted signs are teaching assistants and graduate students, their rulers co-advisors. The chart ruler is dean of the teaching environment.
The nodes are the keys to the wealth of the library..

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wikipedia: Derivative Houses

DERIVATIVE HOUSES AKA TURNING THE CHART: I will simplify derivative houses because I know horary and astrology in general is difficult enough. As an example, let's say we ask a question about your husband, he'd be the 7th house since that's the house of partnerships and he's obviously your partner. What we would do is turn the chart so the 7th house now becomes the first house, kind of like your husband is the first house and the person in charge.

The seventh house is now the first house and thus represents your partner's physical self and personality..
The eighth house is now the second house and thus represents partner's money.
The ninth house is now the third house and thus relates to the partner's communication style and short-distance trips and relations with neighbors.
The tenth house is now the fourth house and thus relates to partner's home life and nurturance. i.e. mother in law.
The eleventh house is now the fifth house and thus relates to what the partner does for fun and their dealings with their children and children in general.
The twelfth house is now the sixth house and relates to the partner's daily activities.

In the derivative chart we are now back at the first house which relates back to the seventh house in the horary chart.

The first house is now the seventh house and is therefore how the partner sees you romantically.
The second house is now the eighth house and relates to what the partner shares with you, including sex and money.
The third house is now the ninth house and relates to the partner's long distance travels, ethics, philosophies, faith.
The fourth house is now the tenth house and relates to the partner's career, public status and father figure, boss, landlord.
The fifth house is now the eleventh house and relates to the partner's friends and hopes and wishes.
The sixth house is now the twelfth house and relates to the partner's secrets and karmic issues.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Notes on Predictive Astrology

Level One

The progressed Sun changing sign or house.
The progressed Moon passing through the first house.
Any progressed planet (except the Moon) conjunct, square or opposed to the natal Ascendant, Midheaven, Sun, Moon.
Transiting Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto conjunct, square or opposed to the natal Ascendant, Midheaven, Sun, Moon.
Any Saturn return.
The Uranian opposition.
The "Great Convergence".
The progressed Sun conjunct, square, or opposed to any natal planet or any angle.

Level Two

The progressed Moon in any sign or house.
The progressed Sun trine ori sextile any trigger point.
Any progressed planet or angle (except the Moon) conjunct, square or opposed to any sensitive point other than the natal Ascendant, Midheaven, Sun, Moon.
Any progressed planet or angle (except the Moon) changing sign or house.
Transiting Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto conjunct, square or opposed to any sensitive point other than the natal Ascendant, Midheaven, Sun, Moon.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct, square or opposed to the natal Ascendant, Midheaven, Sun, Moon.
Transiting Uranus, Neptune or Pluto changing houses.

Level Three

Transiting Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto trine or sextile any sensitive point.
Any progressed planet or angle (except the Moon) trine or sextile any sensitive point.
Any aspects made by transiting Jupiter not covered above.
All "biopsychic script" material other than Saturn returns, the Uranian opposition and the Great Convergence.
Transiting Jupiter or Saturn changing houses.

Level Four

All transits of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars through any aspects to any sensitive point.
Any aspects made by the progressed Moon to the natal planets.

this table is a quote from Steven Forrest - The Changing Sky
(You Already Hold the Key to the Stars - A Practical Guide to the New Predictive Astrology)

Predictive Astrology steps

Monday, July 20, 2015

Library of Free Astro Ebooks
These appear to be public domain.
And something interesting to note, occult related books are often the first to disappear off public library shelves making free online resources that much more important.

Monday, May 25, 2015


Lilttle of what we know of Goddess culture predates the Olympians. Not much of "the Goddess" remains in the patriarchal pablum we have inherited from the Greeks and Romans.

Saturday, March 14, 2015


Waxing is a separating aspect moving away from the conjunction toward opposition.
At the opposition the aspect wanes and again moves toward the conjunction.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Utilizing biography for identifying astrological cycles

Biographical analysis involves looking for regularities in people's lives. It doesn't mean considering each event or development by itself. It means finding a development that is part of a pattern, either between lives (ie. the Saturn Return for different people) or within a single life (ie. Saturn opening square, opposite, closing square, and conjunct its natal place). Having (normally) no astrological biases of his own, the author of a biography is the best source of such regularities. The table of contents can be a goldmine. In Ernest Jones's Life and Work of Sigmund Freud [17] chapter 4 ("The Medical Student [1873-1881]") corresponds to Saturn opening square to opposite the Ascendant. Chapter 10 ("The Neurologist [1883-1897]") corresponds to Saturn conjunct Mercury to the opposition. Chapter 12 ("Early Psychopathology [1890-1897]") corresponds to the opening square to the opposition. All of the above are in "BOOK ONE: The Formative Years and the Great Discoveries [1856-1900]", which corresponds to the period from birth to the end of the Uranus opposite Uranus Midlife Transition, which effectively (as is so often the case) closes with Saturn opposite Saturn at 43-44. "BOOK TWO: Years of Maturity [1901-1919]" takes us from Uranus opposite Uranus to the closing square, and "BOOK THREE: The Last Phase [1919-1939]" takes us back to the conjunction. (It's striking how often in biographies books one, two, and three correspond to phases of the Uranus age cycle.)