my book magic

my book magic

Monday, May 25, 2015


Lilttle of what we know of Goddess culture predates the Olympians. Not much of "the Goddess" remains in the patriarchal pablum we have inherited from the Greeks and Romans.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Ez pz Earth in your chart.

(It’s easy to find the Earth in your chart. It’s exactly opposite your Sun. If your Sun is at 7° Pisces, your Earth is at 7° Virgo. If the Sun is at 24° Taurus, the Earth is at 24° Scorpio.)

Who knew?! Thanks Auntie Moon.

Pisces and Tarot

Decans approach free reading

Comprehensive approach to astro tarot relationship

Open ended exploration on possible astro tarot overlap

GD tarot astro correspondence