my book magic

my book magic

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Cards numbered three are not just a line in the sand; they are the crossing of that line and the steps to move far beyond it. At its most intense, any card with the number three carries the power of complete and total transformation. If you receive one or more of these cards in a reading, understand that change will do you good, but that the process of changing might be more intense than you ever anticipated.

Mercury Retrograde:

Traditional astrologers regard each Mercury retrograde phenomenon to
consist of eight phases:

Pre-Shadow phase

Pre-Shadow phase intensified

Mercury Retrograde Station

Mercury Retrograde Phase intensified

Mercury Retrograde Phase

Mercury Direct Station

Post-Shadow phase intensified

Post-Shadow phase

Every complete Mercury retrograde cycle lasts an average of 55 days.
Since there is an average of three Mercury retrogrades per year, we are in
some part of the Mercury retrograde phenomenon for at least 165 days
per year -- about 45% of the time