The Moon through the Houses: The 27 1/2 year passage of the
Moon through the houses is important. This is almost a Moon Phase
Cycle in itself. If you see the Moon on the AC as another New
Moon you will see what I mean. Since this process is a more
personal link it is more conscious than the Moon Phase. Due to
differences in sizes of houses the cycle is uneven. You could use
this to test out the different house systems. The life area
represented by the house the Moon is moving through becomes
emphasised. Look at the dual cycles of the Moon Phase and Moon
Houses together. For instance, if the New Moon Phase starts in
the first house, then the energies are compatible. However should
this happen in the twelfth, it would be far harder to work with.
A new Moon in the seventh when we are deeply involved with our
relationship with others would not be easily expressed. A
balsamic Moon in the tenth when we are concerned with our
ambition and achievement would not be easy either, whereas a Full
Moon would be ideal. As in all astrology work blending the themes
is of paramount importance.
my book magic

Thursday, January 30, 2020
Monday, January 27, 2020
East/West Astro
Rat / Mouse = Sagittarius
Ox = Capricorn
Tiger = Aquarius
Rabbit / Hare = Pisces
Dragon = Aries
Snake = Taurus
Horse = Gemini
Goat / Sheep / Ram = Cancer / Crab
Monkey = Leo
Rooster = Virgo
Dog = Libra
Pig / Boar = Scorpio
Ox = Capricorn
Tiger = Aquarius
Rabbit / Hare = Pisces
Dragon = Aries
Snake = Taurus
Horse = Gemini
Goat / Sheep / Ram = Cancer / Crab
Monkey = Leo
Rooster = Virgo
Dog = Libra
Pig / Boar = Scorpio
Friday, January 24, 2020
Bernadette Brady Planetary Motion
Per day. Year
Sun. 360 degrees. Per year
Moon. 2.5 degrees per sign. All 12 signs. 27 1/2 day cycle
Mercury. 2 1/2. cycles per year
Venus. 1 1/4 cycle per year
Mars. 0 40 min. per degree 2 1/2 year s full cycle
Jupiter. 30 degrees per year. 12 year cycle
Saturn. 12 signs. 29 years
Uranus. Think 1/4 cycle. 84 yr full cycle
Neptune. 1/2 cycle per lifetime. 165 yr cycle
Pluto. 1/3 cycle per lifetime. 248 yr cycle
NNode. 20 degrees R. 18 yrs
Sun. 360 degrees. Per year
Moon. 2.5 degrees per sign. All 12 signs. 27 1/2 day cycle
Mercury. 2 1/2. cycles per year
Venus. 1 1/4 cycle per year
Mars. 0 40 min. per degree 2 1/2 year s full cycle
Jupiter. 30 degrees per year. 12 year cycle
Saturn. 12 signs. 29 years
Uranus. Think 1/4 cycle. 84 yr full cycle
Neptune. 1/2 cycle per lifetime. 165 yr cycle
Pluto. 1/3 cycle per lifetime. 248 yr cycle
NNode. 20 degrees R. 18 yrs
Friday, January 17, 2020
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Notes from Astro2020 Forecast Marathon
Notes from Astrology Hub Live Online Presentations, January 2020
★ Anne Ortelee Lifetime Jupiter Cycles & the Saturn Pluto Conjunction through Every House
Year's theme: Responsible relationships to all
Set intentions for Jup19/20 Sat29
Dec 2020 begins cycle that will end in 2040
36 year cycle? I think she was referring to Jupiter's 3x12 year cycle
We're in the Virgo decanate of Capricorn.
Saturn Pluto conj on Sunday
Jupiter Saturn Pluto run the economies of the world. Watch their cycles.
Uranus in Taurus is growing our creativity
Quoting Caroline Casey: What is the track that your imagination is setting for your reality to run.
Where is your Jupiter now, that's your guide, what you need to grow and learn.
★ Cameron Allen 2020 Will Be the Year “It Happened”
The unknown is a place to find safety.
Question what you've been taught and ask is this true for me.
Become aware of what we need to let go of in order to move into the flow.
1518 Slave Trade mimics the current planetary configuration of Saturn and Pluto
March 8, 2020 Sun combust Neptune / Venus conj Uranus
Ceres is part of the big Cap conj happening right now.
★ Sherene Vismaya Chiron entering Aries- Unlocking the Healer Within
Time to empower yourself. Blaze your own trail. Who are you at your most unique?
That uniqueness comes to you from your core woundedness.
(Where you are broken is where you let in the light.)
Structure in your day:
Saturn and Mercury are the alchemists transmuting the wound (Chiron) into gold (Aries)
★ Gary Caton The Rise of the Exile & our 2020 Financial Outlook
Jupiter and Saturn are moving from the earth element to the air element
Ref: 1450 Guttenberg last time such a big move from earth to air
Every failure is one step closer to success.
✮ Christopher Renstrom
Next year's eclipse season will begin the air cycle
Hence, the Aquarian Age which is all about the reaching for the next 200 years.
"What's bred in the bone will out in the flesh."
"Judgment" is a Pluto and a Saturn word.
What does it mean to be accountable to yourself?
Different signs make sense to you a different times in your life.
Astrology is a calendar.
Saturn outfits you for the challenge.
Mars doesn't care and doesn't share.
Mars is the planet of self-improvement.
✮Gemini Brett
Sometimes predictive is not constructive.
With the moon, always look to the seed that was planted at the New to see what might come to fruition at the Full.
Capricorn is the Mountain.
✮Sascha Benedetti Co-Create a New Culture of Care Disrupting Systems of Oppression
Venus, Value, and a Culture of Care
Gemini Cycles of Venus as New Life Phase
Venus trip through the Underworld helps us heal our fragmentation
✯Linda Byrd Revolution to Evolution
Spaceship coming to earth as metaphor of Uranus in Taurus
✮Stormie Grace Ideas Into Action
Capricorn is resource full.
1st 4 months of the year Forecast
1. Saturn and Pluto, conjunct exact on the 12th for the first time in almost 38 years
2. Pluto return of our country in the 2nd H (1st ever) 250 years (Martin Luther)
3. Print out your statements to ensure your credibility (Neptune)
4. Mars entering Aries March 21st watch for retrograde dates
5. Presidents elected ending in a year with 0 ending up dying in office (sort of)
6. Jupiter Saturn Pluto will be crossing paths all year long; plant seeds.
7. Interaction between the fixed Uranus Taurus (conj new moon) and the volatile Saturn Aqua
8. Jupiter & Saturn conj at end of the year in Aquarius
9. 2024 When Venus goes into Gemini marks the New Age of Aquarius
10. August 2020 Father complex Mars in Aries (challenge) Saturn in Capricorn (dark) Sun in Leo (coach)
11. Sept 9 2020 Mars turns Retrograde (turns flight over fight)
12. Usually Saturn in an earth sign signifies a downturn in the economy. BUT Saturn is catching an earth trine. Also, Saturn in its own signs is less stressful and can be beneficial.
★ Anne Ortelee Lifetime Jupiter Cycles & the Saturn Pluto Conjunction through Every House
Year's theme: Responsible relationships to all
Set intentions for Jup19/20 Sat29
Dec 2020 begins cycle that will end in 2040
36 year cycle? I think she was referring to Jupiter's 3x12 year cycle
We're in the Virgo decanate of Capricorn.
Saturn Pluto conj on Sunday
Jupiter Saturn Pluto run the economies of the world. Watch their cycles.
Uranus in Taurus is growing our creativity
Quoting Caroline Casey: What is the track that your imagination is setting for your reality to run.
Where is your Jupiter now, that's your guide, what you need to grow and learn.
★ Cameron Allen 2020 Will Be the Year “It Happened”
The unknown is a place to find safety.
Question what you've been taught and ask is this true for me.
Become aware of what we need to let go of in order to move into the flow.
1518 Slave Trade mimics the current planetary configuration of Saturn and Pluto
March 8, 2020 Sun combust Neptune / Venus conj Uranus
Ceres is part of the big Cap conj happening right now.
★ Sherene Vismaya Chiron entering Aries- Unlocking the Healer Within
Time to empower yourself. Blaze your own trail. Who are you at your most unique?
That uniqueness comes to you from your core woundedness.
(Where you are broken is where you let in the light.)
Structure in your day:
Saturn and Mercury are the alchemists transmuting the wound (Chiron) into gold (Aries)
★ Gary Caton The Rise of the Exile & our 2020 Financial Outlook
Jupiter and Saturn are moving from the earth element to the air element
Ref: 1450 Guttenberg last time such a big move from earth to air
Every failure is one step closer to success.
✮ Christopher Renstrom
Next year's eclipse season will begin the air cycle
Hence, the Aquarian Age which is all about the reaching for the next 200 years.
"What's bred in the bone will out in the flesh."
"Judgment" is a Pluto and a Saturn word.
What does it mean to be accountable to yourself?
Different signs make sense to you a different times in your life.
Astrology is a calendar.
Saturn outfits you for the challenge.
Mars doesn't care and doesn't share.
Mars is the planet of self-improvement.
✮Gemini Brett
Sometimes predictive is not constructive.
With the moon, always look to the seed that was planted at the New to see what might come to fruition at the Full.
Capricorn is the Mountain.
✮Sascha Benedetti Co-Create a New Culture of Care Disrupting Systems of Oppression
Venus, Value, and a Culture of Care
Gemini Cycles of Venus as New Life Phase
Venus trip through the Underworld helps us heal our fragmentation
✯Linda Byrd Revolution to Evolution
Spaceship coming to earth as metaphor of Uranus in Taurus
✮Stormie Grace Ideas Into Action
Capricorn is resource full.
1st 4 months of the year Forecast
1. Saturn and Pluto, conjunct exact on the 12th for the first time in almost 38 years
2. Pluto return of our country in the 2nd H (1st ever) 250 years (Martin Luther)
3. Print out your statements to ensure your credibility (Neptune)
4. Mars entering Aries March 21st watch for retrograde dates
5. Presidents elected ending in a year with 0 ending up dying in office (sort of)
6. Jupiter Saturn Pluto will be crossing paths all year long; plant seeds.
7. Interaction between the fixed Uranus Taurus (conj new moon) and the volatile Saturn Aqua
8. Jupiter & Saturn conj at end of the year in Aquarius
9. 2024 When Venus goes into Gemini marks the New Age of Aquarius
10. August 2020 Father complex Mars in Aries (challenge) Saturn in Capricorn (dark) Sun in Leo (coach)
11. Sept 9 2020 Mars turns Retrograde (turns flight over fight)
12. Usually Saturn in an earth sign signifies a downturn in the economy. BUT Saturn is catching an earth trine. Also, Saturn in its own signs is less stressful and can be beneficial.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
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