my book magic

Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Six Astro Seesaws
2/8 developing potential within boundaries of environment/self
3/9 mental moral philosophical learning/quest
4/10 securing boundaries emotional/logical
5 giving/receiving love & creativity individually/collectively
6/12 aspiration/inspiration human becoming/being
what - draconic chart
when - progressed chart
where - relocation chart
why - synastry chart
how - transit chart
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Phasal Astrology
from the Eight Gates
Gate 1 - NEW PHASE (0-45 DEGREES):
The beginning of a brand new evolutionary cycle: Now something new in
evolutionary terms is beginning, a brand new impulse. This process will begin in an
entirely instinctual fashion, corresponding to the archetype of Aries which as the
first 30 degrees of the zodiac corresponds to the new phase up until the first semi-
sextile at 30 degrees.
Random, new and spontaneous experiences will be initiated in order to
discover this new purpose. In a way the self is not meant to understand or reflect on
this process, instead it is through actions and our reactions to those that we stumble
across ourselves. Rather like a child discovering that the oven is hot through
touching it!
This process corresponds to a Yang energy, a fiery and instinctual masculine
outgoing energy (remember Aries rulership of the first 30 degrees of the zodiac) and
therefore requires a fundamental freedom in order to be able to initiate new
experiences. Obviously there may be problems if this need for perpetual instinctual
need for self-discovery is hampered or restricted in some way great frustration and
anger may build up. This potential tension is highlighted in the first 30 degrees of
the new Phase (e.g. the Aries section), as here the instinctual need for freedom is
Semi – Sextile at 30 degrees: Move into Taurus – here the intention is to begin to
slow down the unfocussed action. With regard to the progressive nature of evolution
the desire becomes one of eliminating unnecessary experiences. In this sense the
person is beginning to learn a kind of discrimination and therefore filtering of all
the experiences they set in motion at the beginning of the new phase. So there is a
movement from pure randomness to the beginning of specific and focused action.
Actually this will most likely be experienced psychologically as an irritant for the
Soul has recent memories of the absolute freedom of the Aries section of the new
phase and yet now feels that the brakes are being put on. We can liken this
experience to the nature of the taming of a wild animal; the harness or saddle has
just been put on...
At the Novile 40 degrees a process of gestation is begun with regard to the new
experiences begun at the New Phase conjunction. Some discrimination has begun at
the semi-sextile but here at 40 degrees and the Novile a highly personal sense of a
new direction begins to grow. This new direction points toward the next
evolutionary gate, the threshold of which begins at the semi-square.
New Phase Semi-Square (44 degrees) – Here we are in a transitional process of
moving through the gate from the new phase to the crescent phase, this movement is
from an outgoing Yang energy towards in an ingoing Yin or consolidating energy.
At 44 degrees the semi-square is generating the stress of this upcoming evolutionary
threshold yet, and this is crucial, we are still in the new yang phase, the threshold
has not yet been crossed and yet the emergence of the threshold on the field of
awareness has begun. As a result a huge amount of tension is generated before the
gate can be crossed, for you are pulling away from the past conditions that bind to
the past.
By the time the Crescent phase is entered it is time to fundamentally slow down and
consolidate what has gone on before. This is a Taurus archetype being finalized
(Taurus being from 30-60 degrees) and therefore we are looking at a process of
establishing and maintaining the new forms that were discovered in the new phase.
As such we begin a Yin process of returning in towards the center and evaluating
the experience that has already been had.
Crescent Semi-Square.
In the New Phase of the semi-square the enormous tension of meeting the
second evolutionary gate precipitates a response of trying to cling to the freedom of
the new phase. As this evolutionary gate is entered (and close phase orbs to waxing
semi-squares will indicate the importance of this particular gate) the person who
previously cried ‘I want my freedom’ exercises this freedom by withdrawing utterly
from the prior experience in order to internalize it and to begin a process of
understanding. This withdrawal marks the transition from the new phase semi-
square (less than 45 degrees) toward the Crescent semi-square (45 degrees and
more). So for those with aspects on the cusp we can understand whether or not this
evolutionary gate has been crossed or not by understanding whether or not a period
of near complete social isolation as occurred relative to the issues implied in the
planetary phasal relationship.
This evolutionary gate shown at this transitional semi-square is
fundamentally important in the formation of the ego. Prior to this point within the
phases the new experiences desired and generated in the new phase are not owned,
they are simply felt and responded to. As we cross this evolutionary gate we begin to
own our experiences, to call them mine. As the Taurus archetype is operative here,
the issue of possession and ownership has arisen. In all initial phases we are talking
about an essentially subjective experience, the growth of the self, here the self begins
to take possession of that which has led it this far.
Septile, 51 degrees and 25 minutes (one seventh of the circle).
This aspect (sometimes associate with fate) exists to realign you with the purpose
that began with the new phase conjunction. If you have strayed from this purpose
‘fate’ seems to intervene through people or events in order to put you back on track.
Sextile (60 degrees).
The sextile at this point can be problematic with regard to the laziness it can
embody or promote (60 degrees equals one half of 120, a trine, an ease). The key
being the development of management or self-effort not fixated on results of such
effort but content and empowered within the making of effort itself.
focus on what is unique and individual about the person. Action becomes
internalized in contemplation and from this self-contemplation on the journey so far
to this point can arise hints and suggestions of the methods and skills to foster the
new evolutionary development in a unique and appropriate fashion. Certain key
events in the past, certain memories may hold insights for the future enfoldment.
Quintile (72 degrees).
The keynote here is creative transformation. So not only can the purpose as set by
the new phase conjunction be radically transformed here but this aspect also serves
to make this purpose incredibly individualistic. Here any laziness from the prior
sextile is annihilated in a creative fire. Again some internalization and withdrawal is
necessary to fulfill the individualistic vision. You are beginning the process of
journeying to the next evolutionary gate of externalized action, of actualization.
Gate 3 – First Quarter Phase (90-135 degrees):
The entrance to this Phase is marked by the importance of the first square, being
either in its crescent phase (89 degrees) or having actually entered the first quarter
phase (90 degrees). This marks the movement to another Yang phase, where the
energy once more seeks to go outwards from the center. Although this phase is the
territory of the Cancer archetype (from 90-120 degrees), which is a Yin sign,
because it is a keystone of the cardinal cross, it operates within the cycle of the
phases as a transition point to an outgoing energy. Here represented by the waxing
square, which Rudhyar has named as a point of crisis in action, the square
representing a fundamental challenge as to what to do next.
The Waxing Square:
Crescent Square (less than 90 degrees). Here the increasingly individualized form of
the previous crescent phase aspects (Septile, sextile, quintile) comes up against the
challenge of external reality. If we return to the metaphor of a wild animal, having
been tamed somewhat, after having its bridle put on it now seeks to venture out into
the world, and yet it I still held back, as if some part of its training is still going on.
This can generate strong irritation and frustration whilst still possessing a sense of
the skills learnt in the previous phase.
First Quarter Square:
In order to cross this key evolutionary gateway certain strong fears are
encountered. These fears take two main forms, the fear of failure and the fear that
as we emerge into the world with our gifts that the world will some how take those
from us or taint them in some crucial way.
Here the Cancer archetype is beingcontacted, these fears have an emotional basis
(water, Cancer) and also with regard to the original purpose (Aries) the tension of
the square generates anxiety about
crossed we will see a cyclic behaviour pattern, a person rushing out into the world to
do, to achieve and then rushing back as the fear kicks in. Here with the aspect of the
square, and the archetype of Cancer we have an Astrological meditation of the
nature of stress, until this stress is worked through this evolutionary gate will be
Bi-Septile (102 degrees 50 minutes).
This is an adaptation and development of the Septile, which realigned one with the
original purpose; here the person (if they have strayed) is realigned with the specific
form that purpose has necessarily taken. At this juncture one remembers the Septile
and its intentions and channels through a specific form, a personality that reflects
the purpose that has been reconnected with. Again the process we like to call ‘fate’
can intervene if we seem to have stepped too far from this path. This may occur
through key people appearing, specific circumstances etc.
Waxing Trine (120 degrees).
Very powerful and positive aspect, that operates by allowing integration of the
original intention, to allow this intention to be made real. There is no stress. The
person emanating this quality will serve as an example to others on how to
individuate. Many people may then be attracted as this aspect holds the preparatory
keys to the rest of the cycle, drawing one into social interaction. This aspect also
produces the potential for conscious awareness of the entire process, the past that
has led to this moment.
Gate 4 – GIBBOUS PHASE (135-180 DEGREES):
Here in the Gibbous Phase energy begins to return to the center again (a Yin phase).
This is because we are witnessing another key transition. At the waxing trine we
embody the Leo archetype here we begin a journey towards Virgo in preparation
for Libra, i.e. our full flowering of individuality must undergo a period of crisis and
process of becoming more humble and self-analytical as a result in order to prepare
for the social integration of the full phase (Libra).
Sesquiquadrate (135 degrees).
As the individual attempts to impose his personal will upon the environment in
relation to their purpose challenge comes through the external environment. This
challenge begins the process of adjusting the individual purpose to reflect the needs
of the environment and the needs of others.
In the first quarter phase of the sesquiquadrate (i.e. less than 135 degrees) this
challenge will not have been understood or processed. Hence an enormous tension
and fear can build up around the feedback given by others. The danger is that with
regard to the joys of the previous trine that a person will not wish to give up the Leo
experience of shining in order to receive objective feedback as to what will be useful
to others. If the individual fails to pass through this evolutionary gate they will be
thrown back upon the past creating confusion as to how to establish the personal
reality and purpose in the environment. Until these necessary adjustments are
The Gibbous sesquiquadrate is a continuation of this process although the
initial impulse to change has been taken still the individual must go through periods
of intense self-analysis or crisis relative to adapting the personal truth or purpose to
the reality of others views. This can promote a necessary introversion and
internalization to make these changes; this again corresponds with the Yin nature of
this phase. The awareness of relative imperfection can grow to be so strong in the
individual that they can begin to have a delusional belief that they are no longer
capable of achieving the original purpose (as generated all the way back in the new
phase conjunction) and as such can create excuses and rationalizations for why they
cannot continue. The temptation becomes then for people to compare themselves to
others that seem to be more complete than themselves, which can reinforce the
experience of inferiority, after a fashion this can necessarily though painfully
promote the evolutionary intention of humility (Virgo).
Bi-quintile (144 degrees).
Here the creative transformation of the quintile becomes relevant socially, the ego is
able to take constructive criticism from or through others and therefore adjust itself
to what is most socially useful. This completes and resolves the tensions of the
Waxing Inconjunct (150 degrees).
One does not meet the inconjunct until after the adjustments of the Bi-quintile
because the inconjunct represents purposeful inner self-criticism. Having learnt to
take gracefully the criticisms from others the self develops its own accuracy of self-
assessment. However if this process is resisted (and the inconjunct is a stressful
aspect) then the person may fall into excuse making, putting off what they no needs
to be done. Deep Inner self-Criticism is still a part of this process. The purpose of
this is to draw one toward the right work function, actually doing I the world
something that is both useful and related or expressive of the original purpose.
This aspect promotes clarification of the individual’s self-concept and evolutionary
purpose as it relates to the needs of others. The necessary self-analysis that
promoted a purging of self-inflated illusions of grandeur during the inconjunct now
evolves into an essential humility that allows the individual to prepare to integrate
his/her purpose into the context of the social environment.
Gibbous Phase Opposition (179 degrees).
This is the beginning of the journey to the next evolutionary gate, which stands for
the integration into social reality as an equal (Full Phase). Accordingly the ego
experiences the full force of other people’s will and reality in such a way as to
enforce awareness that the drives of others are as real as their own.
The need now becomes to take the original impulse of individuality into the
social sphere with the work function intact, i.e. to traverse this evolutionary gate
into the world of others (full phase) with the learning present in the gibbous phase
still intact.
Full Phase Opposition (180 degrees plus).
An example of the transition to full phase opposition can be given using the
planetary pair of Pluto and Jupiter, at the gibbous phase of this opposition other
peoples ideas are going to dominate the consciousness as it is still learning to
appropriate there correct level of meaning for the self, whereas in the full phase
opposition this meaning has been found and potentially balanced in such a way as to
allow the individual’s ideas to reach others. As such this by, definition marks a
massive turning point.
The intent of the opposition in many ways is to work as a blockage, in order
to deny the imposition of individual on others and in order to induce learning as to
the relative place and context of what the individual has to give – with regard to the
prior example in terms of their vision or philosophy (Pluto-Jupiter). In this sense the
archetype of Libra (the oppositional archetype) is honored through a person having
to learn to listen to feedback and therefore center themselves more objectively in the
world of others. As this process is taking place there may be a tendency towards
polarization, as the identity splits between being forceful or experiencing the
forceful of others. The full phase opposition can be about extremes, from which
conflict hopefully emerges balance, this point can be illustrated with the Mars-
Venus planetary pair, whereby this polarization at the full phase opposition might
lead to outbreaks of violence or force within the relationship until the ability to hold
an awareness of the other and still act as a self has been found and stabilized. stabilized.
Here at the full phase we are exactly half through the cycle of process with regard to
the original intent. Remember the original intent is found within the sign and house
placement of the first planet in each planetary. The first planet being in all cases
bare the Sun the slowest moving planet. In the full phase we begin to meet key
people who have key messages that will help us integrate the original purpose within
the social sphere. In this sense there is a potential for fruition. Again this could lead
to the potential for extremity, and we must bear in mind that balance is key at full
phase (180 degrees, Libra). Yet the tendency will be towards cycles of excessive
social activity leading to a kick back and a resulting need for isolation. This can
become an almost schizophrenic activity.
The full phase opposition mirrors the archetypal conflict or paradox
represented by the Ascendant and 1st house and the Descendant and 7th house, and
indeed relationships can become the great educator in learning this time of balance.
The great danger in intimacy is excessive proximity, which leads to distortions
occurring. Everyone knows that feeling of having to be free from their partner for a
while to revitalize their experience of independence.Tri-Septile -206 degrees
Now the original intention having learnt social balance at the opposition is ready to
co-operate with a social or collective need in a realized state.
Full Phase Inconjunct – 210 degrees.
This is an entirely different archetype than the Gibbous phase inconjunct, which
more or less expresses the Virgo archetype (not feeling good enough, lack of
readiness or crisis with regard to the original intention), here at the Full phase
inconjunct the Scorpio archetype is activated. The Soul is full of its own sense of
power at having begun to realize its purpose, even a sense of special destiny. This
will generate a tremendous amount of social persecution if this sense of power is
presented in an overly willful fashion. This may then lead to an absolute blockage,
in which the will of others come to be perceived as more powerful than the
individual’s own. This creates the necessary crisis of the inconjunct. To which the
Scorpio archetype necessarily responds – why? The answer being the ongoing
necessity of harmonizing of the individual will with the collective, or the individual
with the divine plan.
Full Phase Bi-Quintile – 216 degrees.
A phase of creative transformation with regard to the social sphere – an
appreciation or understanding of what unique contribution can be added to
collective - Through understanding other peoples skills, and through understanding
yourself a particular insight in how you are truly meant to be, or to express yourself
is generated.
Disseminating Phase – 225-270 degrees.
The Disseminating Phase represents the totality of any existing society, its rules,
laws and customs. This is more than just the pressure of those in your existing social
sphere. At the evolutionary gate of transferring from the Full Phase to the
Disseminating Phase conformity is demanded, this may be a great struggle,
particularly for those in the individuated evolutionary state. Here there is a flavor of
the inconjunct as there a necessary adjustment found here. For those in the
individuated state it is all about rethinking the meaning of conformity, if I take part
and fulfill my obligations whilst inside I remain true to my purpose and myself then
ultimately the last laugh is mine. For example may I had to conform and take a
particular training to become a psychologist but then when I practice I do my own
thing anyway! This is a process that can lead powerfully to integration....Tri-Septile - 206 degrees.
Now the original intention having learnt social balance at the opposition is ready to
co-operate with a social or collective need in a realized state.
Full Phase Inconjunct – 210 degrees.
This is an entirely different archetype than the Gibbous phase inconjunct, which
more or less expresses the Virgo archetype (not feeling good enough, lack of
readiness or crisis with regard to the original intention), here at the Full phase
inconjunct the Scorpio archetype is activated. The Soul is full of its own sense of
power at having begun to realize its purpose, even a sense of special destiny. This
will generate a tremendous amount of social persecution if this sense of power is
presented in an overly willful fashion. This may then lead to an absolute blockage,
in which the will of others come to be perceived as more powerful than the
individual’s own. This creates the necessary crisis of the inconjunct. To which the
Scorpio archetype necessarily responds – why? The answer being the ongoing
necessity of harmonizing of the individual will with the collective, or the individual
with the divine plan.
Full Phase Bi-Quintile – 216 degrees.
A phase of creative transformation with regard to the social sphere – an
appreciation or understanding of what unique contribution can be added to
collective - Through understanding other peoples skills, and through understanding
yourself a particular insight in how you are truly meant to be, or to express yourself
is generated.Disseminating Phase – 225-270 degrees.
The Disseminating Phase represents the totality of any existing society, its rules,
laws and customs. This is more than just the pressure of those in your existing social
sphere. At the evolutionary gate of transferring from the Full Phase to the
Disseminating Phase conformity is demanded, this may be a great struggle,
particularly for those in the individuated evolutionary state. Here there is a flavor of
the inconjunct as there a necessary adjustment found here. For those in the
individuated state it is all about rethinking the meaning of conformity, if I take part
and fulfill my obligations whilst inside I remain true to my purpose and myself then
ultimately the last laugh is mine. For example may I had to conform and take a
particular training to become a psychologist but then when I practice I do my own
thing anyway! This is a process that can lead powerfully to integration.
Disseminating Trine – 240 degrees.
This is a very, very strong aspect. For the consensus individual it is as if every door
opens to the new goal. For the individuated Soul this can promote a great fear, that
the great impulse of individuality generated at the new conjunction is being
assimilated by society – one’s individuality might be at risk! This is only a fear
however. If it can be understood as such, then this person can serve as an example to
others, how to move forward.
At the trine there is a relative ease at moving forwards and integrating the
evolutionary purpose. Here we can use the image of a full cup, pouring of the self in
to the social purpose and achievements.
Disseminating Bi-Septile – 257 degrees.
This a powerful aspect leading eventually to the disseminating square - The initial
spark of mutation is seeded here, that will eventually characterize the balsamic
phase. Here we have a fated aspect, key people/circumstance or inner thoughts
begin to creep in to the social empowerment and success – centering on the issue –
there must be more than this! So this aspect provokes individuation, to the level of
potential social alienation. For example the disseminating phase in religious terms in
our culture is the prominent Judaeo-Christian heritage, here at the Bi-Septile
questions arise as to whether there is more than just this conception of spirituality. Last Quarter Phase - 270 – 315 degrees.
At this square a fundamental crisis in belief is generated which causes a natural
disengagement from the existing society. A dual awareness is created in the
consciousness at this disseminating square: one part is participating in the existing
society yet the other is standing apart from the very thing it is participating in. This
aspect therefore creates a detachment, which intensifies the question mark
generated at the disseminating Septile aspect as the long haul towards the Balsamic
phase begins. What is it that needs to be dropped from the life? This can be an
incredibly intense in the disseminating phase and can create the temptation to
borrow or align oneself with the past due the security represented there. Van Gogh
had a disseminating square with his sun and moon and therefore needed to let go of
something in his life (not just his ear).
Last Quintile 288 degrees.
The quintile always seeks to transform consciousness. Here the individual is led into
visions and awareness of his or her universal or timeless self. There is increasing
knowledge of the individual’s cosmic role and how this relates to the duties of this
Last Sextile 300 degrees.
The new creative identity of the individual in relation to the cosmic whole is now
given productive purpose and potential to actualize there universal / social role. The
transition between the past and the future can be easily made or easily resisted at
evolutionary juncture.
Last Septile 308 degrees 25 minutes!
Individual action is taken with respect to the perceived universal/ social purpose,
which may feel like a special destiny. The potential for delusion exists here, however
at key times in life this aspect will produce circumstances to set the individual
Balsamic Phase - 315-360 degrees.
The Balsamic Phase itself is incredibly important because anything that has
occurred in the entire cycle, whatever is unfinished or incomplete relative to the
original intention will be brought to a head in this Phase. In many ways this is an
archetype of frustration, as the Soul remembers it has encountered so much of the
process before and yet it is still happening, still needing to be let go of. The key
meaning of this phase is in a concentric expansion of consciousness, the essence of
which is detachment, disengagement. Therefore opportunities for reflection need to
be created in order to bring issues to culmination. Semi-square - 315 degrees.
A new evolutionary crisis emerges as the individual begins to accelerate the
mutation between the past and the future. On the one hand the person wants to
withdraw and internalize the consciousness so that they can become aware of the
new impulse of a new cycle. There is a need for experimentation, trial and error
with new forms. These experimentations may create real conflict and confusion. The
individual may tire of this condition and attempt to recover the past. If so, eventual
disintegration will occur. The individual needs to form new kinds of social
relationship with others upon the same evolutionary path. The individual is also
required to fulfill their social duties producing conflict between this need and the
need for experimentation. The key is to do both and follow these contrasting
rhythms as best as possible when they occur.
Novile – 320 degrees.
The seeds of the new evolutionary cycle begin an active gestation process. Like light
bulbs turned on in a dark room, the individual magically becomes aware
(revelation) of new thoughts, perceptions and realizations as to the nature of the new
evolutionary cycle and purpose to come. This new cycle is based upon the
cumulative effects of actions in this and other lives. Frustration may result from an
awareness of the need to complete the karmic and evolutionary intent of this life.
Peering over the precipice, the person is ready to jump. Negatively, the individual
can become confused and may attempt to retreat into the past as these revelatory
thoughts now threaten his or her existing reality or security.
Semi-Sextile – 330 degrees.
The new evolutionary cycle begins to become clear in the form of complete
conceptions and ideas which the individual may attempt in this life i.e. he/she may
attempt to formulate him or herself around timeless values and beliefs in the context
of his or her culture; time and space and all that which is temporal by nature.
Considered strange and different by others who do no understand what the
individual is trying to do or establish he or she is given a test to fulfill because of this
challenge: to remain committed and centered upon the vision of the new, or the
timeless. The whole evolutionary cycle begun way back at the original conjunction is
now rapidly dissolving. Some individuals will experience this as a sense of
meaninglessness and emptiness, and will manifest a diffuse or undefined personal
identity or purpose in relation to the original conjunction. The key is to let go of the
past in relation to function and orientation, and to allow new patterns and impulses
to enter the consciousness of their own accord. Approached in this new way, this
new thoughts, ideas and impulses become the switch that illuminates the path to the
individual’s future.
Balsamic Conjunction – 360 degrees.
An evolutionary cycle has been completed with regard to the planetary function of
the planets involved. From the waning semi-square to the conjunction the process,
of self-loss or self as a cosmic wholeness was initiated. Any pair of planets found in
this condition are completing an entire evolutionary cycle. A culmination has
occurred. The individual will never again experience those planetary functions in
that way again. A totally new evolutionary cycle is about to begin. ..