my book magic

Sunday, December 29, 2024
Combining East and West
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Minor Grand Trine
"A Minor Grand Trine makes you a happy person who enjoys life without over-exerting yourself. You plan your energies and are careful and selective in your goal setting. Once you have decided on something that has captured all your interest, all goes smoothly. You deploy your energies relatively easily and can be active “around the clock” without tiring."
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
144 Simple Chart Interpretations
Chapter VII. The Twelve Polarities of Taurus
Chapter VIII. The Twelve Polarities of Gemini
Chapter IX. The Twelve Polarities of Cancer
Chapter X. The Twelve Polarities of Leo
Chapter XI. The Twelve Polarities of Virgo
Chapter XII. The Twelve Polarities of Libra
Chapter XIII. The Twelve Polarities of Scorpio
Chapter XIV. The Twelve Polarities of Sagittarius
Chapter XV. The Twelve Polarities of Capricorn
Chapter XVI. The Twelve Polarities of Aquarius
Chapter XVII. The Twelve Polarities of Pisces
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Understand Planetary Glyphs
A planetary symbols or glyphs are a graphical symbols used in astrology and astronomy. They we're also used in alchemy to represent the metals associated with the planets and in calendars for their associated days. The earliest forms of these symbols appear in Greek papyrus texts of late antiquity (Astronomical Papyri from Oxyrhynchus). Their current forms first appeared in the Renaissance. It's important to mention that scientific explanation of their meaning is right out ridiculous.
Symbols are made up of three basic components: circle, semicircle (crescent) and cross.
Circle - Spirit
A circle is considered as the simplest and most perfect form. It has no beginning and no end, it is complete and all-encompassing. It is self-sufficient and has the ability of self-preservation. The circle demonstrates a continuing whole. It represents eternity, Divine life-force, everlasting Spirit or the Ultimate Reality. It is also a symbol for vitality, wholeness, completion and perfection.
In ancient Greece it was called λόγος (lógos, "word, speech, reason"). In Hinduism it's known as Brahman, which means or imply the highest universal principle, the ultimate reality in the universe - final cause of all that exists. In ancient China it's Tao or Dao (道, "way, path"), which also signifies a principle - the underlying natural order of the Universe.
Semicircle - Soul
A semicircle is a half of a circle. If full circle represents the Spirit, than half of a circle represent its "not complete" reflection. It has two parts, visible and invisible one. If full circle is the ocean, than semicircle is a droplet of that ocean. So semicircle represents the Soul, the immaterial aspect or essence of a being.
In ancient Greece it was called ψυχή (psukhḗ, "soul, breath"). In Latin it's called psychē ("psyche, soul, spirit"). In Hinduism it's known as Ātman, word that refers to the (universal) Self. It comes from the word Atma, a Sanskrit word which refers to "essence, breath".
Cross - Matter
A cross is a geometrical figure consisting of two, usually perpendicular, intersecting lines or bars. With four lines, going from center, it symbolises 4 elements, also 4 cardinal points in a sine wave. So it represents material, concrete, transient, temporal and imperfect. It represents Matter and physical body.
It also illustrates the place where the sky and the earth meet, so in ancient Egypt, it was considered as a sign of the union of masculine and feminine, a source of all creation, of objective and subjective. It was also used as a symbol of consecration, especially pertaining to burial.
X is in Roman numerals also a symbol for 10, and number 10 represents the beginning of a new cycle or rebirth, a higher level of a spiral, sometimes a higher purpose and inner wisdom, which coincides with the shape and meaning of Phoenician letter Tāw (x) and Hebrew Tav (ת), which represents life and resurrection.
There is also an Arrow, which is actually a defective cross, and because it is out of balance, it represents or indicates direction, the direction of energy towards a specific aim or goal.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Inverse Nodal Returns
" The reverse nodal return is a chance to discover what is good about your south node and re-frame it."
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Monday, June 24, 2024
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Monday, June 17, 2024
Saturday, June 15, 2024
Monday, March 11, 2024
Interception Axis
The intercepted houses shows which areas of life you may actively try to recover.
1st House/7th House: relationship with yourself and others
2nd House/8th House: securing yourself and others
3rd House/9th House: thinking and believing
4th House/10th House: past and upbringing, and ambitions and future
5th House/11th House: creative self-expression and friendships
6th House/12th House: conscious and subconscious
Aries/Libra Interception: If you have an interception in Aries and Libra, then your intercepted houses will be ruled by Pisces and Virgo instead. With Pisces ruling instead of Aries, you may feel that you can’t assert yourself in the area of life where Aries is intercepted in your chart. You also feel that the matters of your area of life can be confusing and not straightforward at all. You can struggle to find yourself. Due to this struggle, with Virgo ruling your intercepted House instead of Libra, you have the urge to serve others. There’s the thought that if you serve, rather than just be yourself, you will be likable. You don’t believe that just simply being yourself will get you what you want because you’ve struggled to learn how to be yourself in the first place.
Taurus/Scorpio interception: If you have an interception in Taurus and Scorpio, then your intercepted houses will be ruled by Aries and Libra instead. With Aries ruling the intercepted house instead of Aries, you struggle to feel a sense of comfort and stability in your intercepted house. Due to this, you constantly fight and believe that you have to work to get what you want. You don’t feel at peace. With Libra ruling the intercepted House instead of Scorpio, you feel stifled in your self-expression. You believe that if you are sociable and peaceful, you will get what you want. You struggle to be your true self shown in intimacy because there is a feeling of powerless. Rather than relying on your own power, you rely on others.
Gemini/Sagittarius interception: If you have an interception in Gemini and Sagittarius, then your intercepted houses will be ruled by Taurus and Scorpio instead. With Taurus ruling your intercepted House instead of Gemini, there is this strong, clinging need for stability in the intercepted House. You can struggle to be flexible, and you can be stubborn in regards to your intercepted House. Due to this, you can struggle to learn new things for you fear change. With Scorpio ruling your intercepted House instead of Sagittarius, there is a need for power in the intercepted House. Rather than being free and adventurous, you would much rather stay consistent, empowering yourself with staying power rather than empowering yourself with new knowledge from exploring.
Cancer/Capricorn interception: If you have an interception in Cancer and Capricorn, then your intercepted houses will be ruled by Gemini and Sagittarius instead. With Gemini ruling the intercepted House instead of Cancer, there is a lack of emotional nurturing and understanding. You fill this void with mental understanding and rationality instead. There is a feeling of inconsistency for there is a lack of comfort. With Sagittarius ruling the intercepted house instead of Capricorn, there is a sense of purposeless and rootless wandering. There is a feeling of being powerless due to not practically establishing yourself. You constantly search for new knowledge, but you struggle with applying that knowledge.
Leo/Aquarius interception: If you have an interception in Leo and Aquarius, then your intercepted houses will be ruled by Cancer and Capricorn instead. With Cancer ruling the intercepted house instead of Leo, there is the feeling that you can’t provide anything worthy from yourself. Due to this, you would rather emotionally nurture others and help others rather than express yourself and stand out. With Capricorn ruling the intercepted house instead of Aquarius, due to feeling that you are unworthy of providing anything worthy about yourself, you would much rather follow the rules rather than break them. You struggle with accepting the quirky, unique parts of yourself because you struggle to accept the likable, creative parts of yourself.
Virgo/Pisces interception: If you have an interception in Virgo and Pisces, then your intercepted houses will be ruled by Leo and Aquarius instead. With Leo ruling over the intercepted house instead of Virgo, you may feel that you are not useful and resourceful to others. So instead of serving others, you find it easier to serve yourself and to be yourself to compensate. With your intercepted house ruled by Aquarius instead of Pisces, you struggle with utilizing your creativity to show compassion for others because you may find your creativity to be irrational. To compensate, you will often only show your compassion rationally and due to this, you limit yourself by not accepting the irrational. Due to limiting yourself, you can often feel like an outsider.
Interception as shadow energy
Intercepted signs often carry a shadow energy. This is the repressed or unconscious side of our psyche, which can manifest as fears, insecurities, or even hidden talents. By confronting this shadow, individuals can achieve a deeper understanding of themselves and unlock potential they never knew they had.
Steven Forrest on Interceptions
"Bottom line, if a sign is intercepted in your chart, it is supposed to be intercepted. Don’t frame it as a problem, frame it as your path. It may very well be a big part of your inner life – but in living “your best life,” you do not let yourself get too enmeshed in its outward expression."
from Unlocking Interceptions by
Helen Adams Garret
What areas of life, in other words, what houses have the interceptions?
What signs are intercepted? These are what are missing in your life.
Where are the rulers of the intercepted signs?
When the ruler of the intercepted sign is itself intercepted, and when the ruler of the intercepted sign is found in one of the pairs houses which have duplicate signs on them. Garrett's basic concept is that intercepted signs "come to light" when the house cusps behind them, by progression, catch up and change signs. Thus, if you have an intercepted sign in the first house, you fundamentally changed when the ascendant progressed into the next sign. Some "hidden part" of you became apparent at that time.
The rulers of the duplicated houses will unlock the intercepted signs.
Interceptions can be ranked. Some are more important than others. I am of the opinion that intercepted signs that have no planets in them can be ignored. No planet means no weight, means no interest in the affairs of the sign, so why bother?
Intercepted signs, with planets in them, are areas of life which were not under our direct control as of the end of the previous life. Which is why they are now "intercepted". By the end of our previous life, we had needlessly thrown the ball to the opposing team and, in this life, they are now running with it. We must struggle to reassert control. The houses ruled by intercepted planets are those areas of life, the interceptions themselves are the means by which they gained control. If those houses (the ones ruled by intercepted planets) themselves have planets in them, the result can be quite complicated.
(Comments here are from the web site host at