my book magic

my book magic

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturn cycle

Begin with where Saturn is located in your chart at birth to determine your personal mastery cycle house by house 2.5 years on average each.
Within a 7 year span one quadrant of the chart is covered and one area of life is realized.
☆Individual realization☆
1 letting go to pursue new ideas
2 landing by grounding in study
3 seeing opportunities to enter new programs
☆Finding your potential☆
4 knowing how to begin new growth
5 creating through birthing new ideas
6 grounding by getting real
☆Growing in the world☆
7 connecting by balance with partners
8 pruning existing in order to line up your resources
9 your essential being as manifestation of your heart's desire
☆Manifesting in the world☆
10 having a place in the world and midas touch time
11 giving as sharing
12 dissolving as enjoying