The House related experiences are managed best by psychological function represented by planet occupying. (As well as planet ruling cusp plus interceptions to a lesser degree.) Simultaneously, planet occupying is influenced by character of House experience.
Houses as "circum-stances" of experiencer or what surrounds the experience with focus on subjective experience rather then objective situation "inducing the experience."
Planets then condition the attitude to the surrounding experience.
Every planet has a functional character regardless of sign or house placement.
A planet on the angles will contribute strongly to the basic approach to life.
Sun calls for release of House character energy to achieve life purpose.
Moon represents ability to adjust to overall challenges of everyday life. the house singles out the field of experience.
Mercury establishes relationship between past experiences' results and causes and the ability to communicate this information.
Venus indicates interpersonal experience and the ability to share values.
Mars initiates pursuit of desires and degree of aggression likely applied toward personal destiny.
Jupiter symbolizes human fellowship and increased well-being.
Saturn ensures greater security through self-limitation within confines of socially accepted identity.
Uranus transforms deeper inner being through renewal of the need for an individualized pattern of unfolding. Deep seated change will manifest, whether in internal attitude or through an externalized crisis.
Neptune includes all depersonalizing transformation through dissolution, extending boundaries.
Pluto's placement indicates arena of life where personal contribution to society will be made, finalizing the process of transformation begun by Uranus, initiating a new phase of evolutionary consciousness.
Houses as "circum-stances" of experiencer or what surrounds the experience with focus on subjective experience rather then objective situation "inducing the experience."
Planets then condition the attitude to the surrounding experience.
Every planet has a functional character regardless of sign or house placement.
A planet on the angles will contribute strongly to the basic approach to life.
Sun calls for release of House character energy to achieve life purpose.
Moon represents ability to adjust to overall challenges of everyday life. the house singles out the field of experience.
Mercury establishes relationship between past experiences' results and causes and the ability to communicate this information.
Venus indicates interpersonal experience and the ability to share values.
Mars initiates pursuit of desires and degree of aggression likely applied toward personal destiny.
Jupiter symbolizes human fellowship and increased well-being.
Saturn ensures greater security through self-limitation within confines of socially accepted identity.
Uranus transforms deeper inner being through renewal of the need for an individualized pattern of unfolding. Deep seated change will manifest, whether in internal attitude or through an externalized crisis.
Neptune includes all depersonalizing transformation through dissolution, extending boundaries.
Pluto's placement indicates arena of life where personal contribution to society will be made, finalizing the process of transformation begun by Uranus, initiating a new phase of evolutionary consciousness.